Picture of the Day – July 3, 2012

Elisabeth Tomczyk warming up in preparation for last December’s benefit concert. In addition to Elisabeth, the evening featured performances by Anne Berry, Sheri Brown, Ryan Caparella, Patrice Fitzgerald, Windsor Johnson, Richard Leslie, and Grace Smith. The 2011 benefit concert featured music, drink, and food, with dozens in attendance to support the March festival.

Photo courtesy Mary Scripko.

Volunteers Needed for Events, March 4-11

The 12th annual Women Composers Festival is seeking volunteers interested in supporting its events, March 4-11. The festival is looking for people to help with ushering concerts, stagehand duties, and driving and hosting festival guests. Modest compensation is available for festival volunteers.

Ushers and stagehands are needed for all six concerts, including the Choral Concert, March 4; Local Composers Concert, March 7; Electroacoustic Concert, March 8; Chamber Orchestra Concert, March 9; Concert Pro Femina, March 10; and Solo Vocal Concert, March 11. In addition to concert volunteers, the festival seeks drivers and hosts for our guest performers, the Curiosity Cabinet Ensemble, visiting March 9 – 11.

Everyone’s help is much appreciated. If you’re interested, email Daniel Morel at daniel@womencomposersfestivalhartford.com with availability.