Picture of the Day – July 20, 2012

Here Elisabeth Tomczyk and Katie Cousins are featured performing a movement of Ellen O’Meara’s Orbits, for violin, clarinet, and piano, on the 2011 Local Composers Concert. A Brooklyn based composer and instrumentalist, Ms. O’Meara is a strong advocate of new music and her works can be found here.

Katie Cousins and Elisabeth Tomczyk

Picture of the Day – July 3, 2012

Elisabeth Tomczyk warming up in preparation for last December’s benefit concert. In addition to Elisabeth, the evening featured performances by Anne Berry, Sheri Brown, Ryan Caparella, Patrice Fitzgerald, Windsor Johnson, Richard Leslie, and Grace Smith. The 2011 benefit concert featured music, drink, and food, with dozens in attendance to support the March festival.

Photo courtesy Mary Scripko.