Hartt Community Division Vocal Faculty Concert
Concert Details
Date: Sunday, March 27
Time: 5:00 pm
Location: Berkman Auditorium, University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT
Singers abound on Sunday, March 27th, in this celebration of vocal music! Come hear Hartt Community Division Voice Faculty Nancy Anderson, Susan Mardinly, Adrienne Milics, Sarah Comfort-Reed, Jason Stammen and Jack Pott perform an extensive program of women’s music. Treat yourself to an evening of song and the largest historical span of repertoire covered by this year’s concerts!
Featured are works by Beth Anderson, Sarah Meneely-Kyder, Libby Larsen, Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel, Clara Schumann, Dale Trombore, and Hartt alumna Gwyneth Walker.
Co-sponsored by The Hartt School Community Division and the Women’s Education and Leadership Fund.